Automate every manual process
Track and update employee balances
Accurately apply your employees’ working rules
Record and process all employees’ leave
Instantly update each employee’s remaining balance
Cover every part-time and full-time contract
Includes annual leave, lieu and public holiday entitlements
Continuously track entitlements
An annual leave system that calculates and accumulates real-time balances
Leave management software for your entire business
An employee app that connects everyone
Employees can submit time requests and view their holiday balances
No more double booking holiday dates
Employees can view dates already taken by other team members
Limit employee numbers and dates
As to how many team members can be on leave over a defined period
Automate processing holiday requests
Managers can view and approve requests online
Seamlessly updating every aspect of holiday management
Employee holidays rostered and approved
Highlight dates employees are on holidays and cannot be rostered
Approve holiday timesheets
Automatically process employees’ holiday days
Powerful data import facility
Accuracy from the beginning – carry forward all employee holiday balances
Real - time report and dashboards
View any data, at any time, on every aspect of employee holiday management
A Staff App connecting everyone
Employees can view their schedules instantly
Clock in & out with GPS location tracking
Send or receive shift swap requests
Send requests and view pending approvals
Digitally sign and send any documents
Send absence notifications by reason
Sand holiday requests & view balances
View and update personal details anytime