Covid has led us to rethink workforce planning entirely. Even as restrictions are being lifted, companies are increasingly operating hybrid or fully remote work policies and will continue to do so in the future. To facilitate a smooth transition, businesses need to develop suitable and fitting strategies for managing their remote teams successfully. In this blog post, we will discuss five tips and best practices for remote workforce planning in 2022.

1. Optimize the onboarding experience

Getting employees set up properly is essential for the productivity and efficiency of your team. At a first glance, it might seem like remote working will add an extra degree of difficulty to the onboarding process. However, with the right systems and tools in place, your remote onboarding process could be easier and quicker than ever before, improving your workforce management.

Automate your onboarding process with Time Point by creating mandatory check lists, uploading contracts, personal details, employee files and record documents that have been received. 

2. Establish a Virtual Work Culture

A functioning work culture is important to the success of every company. When people are not physically alongside each other, it can be more difficult to keep the right culture in place. To make sure that your employees work well together, have enough options to connect with each other and know your company’s values, you will need an effective communication system that connects everyone in the organization with ease. 

At Time Point, we offer you an all in one cloud-based solution that enables employees to receive message requests on the go from their HR department or supervisors and allows them to view their files wherever, whenever. You can connect your employees and managers easily with the Time Point app, allowing you to create a sense of community while also providing the option to upload rosters and update your employees’ approved or declined leave. 

3. Make Use of HR Automation and Cut Costs 

Remote work statistics suggest that HR automation can help organisations cut costs significantly by increasing efficiency. More importantly, however, investing in automation can help your HR department save valuable time that can instead be spent on further developing, training and guiding your employees. 

With Time Point’s HR solutions you can seamlessly automate your admin processes to reduce your workload and access built-in alerts, notifications and real-time dashboards. It enables you to automate the payroll process, and manage leave, holidays and requests. 

4. Install Mobile Geolocation Clocking

For your business to be perceived as a cutting-edge and remote-friendly employer, you must have an effective way to attract and retain employees that want to work off-site. That’s why a user-friendly and accurate method of time-tracking should be on top of your must-haves list.

With Time Point Geolocation Clocking your staff can clock in on their smart devices or desktop conveniently from any location with time and date stamps included. 

5. Create Well-Documented Procedures

One of the things that your remote workforce will no longer be able to do with ease is to walk over to another team member to ask for information or documents. An important duty related to remote workforce planning is therefore to ensure that there are well-documented procedures in place. Make sure that all employees have access to any information or documents they may need and encourage them to share any information that may be required by their teammates in one centralized location. 

Time Point’s all-in-one cloud-based solution makes life easy for you by connecting every department to one central hub. You can check any key reports and statistics anywhere, anytime using powerful dashboards and reporting systems. 

To improve your workforce management and learn more about Time Point’s remote working solutions, book a free Time Point demo with us today.