Here at Time Point, we offer a new Cloud feature that allows you to automate your onboarding process and make it quick and easy for everyone involved. In this blog, we take a look at the benefits of the new feature and how it can help you get your new hires set up successfully.

What Can The New Onboarding Feature Do For You?

With Time Point’s new Cloud Feature, you can bring efficiency and visibility into your onboarding process. Empower your employees across departments with one integrated system.

  • It allows you to automate your onboarding process ensuring new staff members receive their contracts and required documents before they start.
  • It empowers you to go paperless by uploading, storing, and recording all staff members’ onboarding document procedures online. 
  • You can view documents instantly thanks to a powerful online document management system that stores every staff member’s history. 
  • Your staff can review and digitally sign required documents within seconds from their Time Point staff app. 

What Capabilities Does The Onboarding Feature Have?

Our onboarding system is essentially an integrated cloud-based automation tool that streamlines all your new starter processes!  

Align Your Automation Across Departments

A common challenge of the onboarding process is the requirement of support across departments beyond HR, such as information technology (IT) and finance. 

With Time Point’s new Cloud Feature, manual onboarding procedures are a thing of the past. It empowers all employees within your company with one integrated system. From automatically sending contracts and training material to monitoring that they were digitally signed, everyone in the company has an immediate overview of your onboarding processes, anywhere at any time. 

Reduce set-up times

Thanks to its ability to automatically send contracts and any supporting documents, the Time Point Onboarding feature allows you to get any tedious paperwork done and digitally signed off even before your new employee’s start day. Saving you time as well as providing clarity.

Improve Engagement With New Employees

Our cloud-based onboarding feature allows your HR department to spend more time on what actually matters: being a resource and a helping hand to your new hires. 

Thanks to automating any repetitive new starter processes – such as uploading and recording onboarding documents – your HR team will have more time on their hands to come up with creative ways of improving your new hires’ experiences. 

Make your onboarding process even more seamless, by instantly reviewing any important documents on the Time Point App.  

Personalize Your New Staff’s Experience

While an automated onboarding process might sound rather impersonal, it can add more options for customizing learning programs and content. 

With Time Point Onboarding you have the opportunity to simply select the contract and any supporting documents required for a specific role. Instead of sending out the same documents and training material to all your new hires, you can add personalization to your onboarding process. Make your new employees feel welcome and better informed by bringing them up to speed with information that’s relevant to their new role.

Connect Recruiting and Onboarding Software

As soon as you have found the right candidate for your job role, the Time Point Onboarding feature allows you to use the last step in the hiring process to trigger the first step of your employee induction process. 

This means you can automatically populate your new hires’ data from your recruitment provider’s system and ensure that your new staff members immediately receive their contracts and any other documents you want them to review ahead of time, such as employee manuals. 

To learn more about Time Point’s new Cloud feature, book a free Time Point demo with us today or contact us at +353 1 406 7610.