At Time Point, our goals are to increase your business’s efficiencies, reduce your admin times, streamline processes and connect your entire business. An employee management system is perfect for any business looking to maximise employee productivity by offering greater flexibility, scalability and control of all of your processes. 

In this blog post, we explain what cloud-based employee management is in detail and explore the various benefits it can have for both employers and employees. 

What is cloud-based employee management? 

Time Point offers a fast and efficient cloud-based employee management system that allows for business operations to become more effortless and effective. It allows you to skip expensive software, which can often require infrastructure and regular maintenance from IT experts. When your data is stored in the cloud, all that is required is a monthly or annual fee to gain access to new and enhanced system features. 

How can TP Employee Management help your business?

Here at Time Point, we ensure all workplace management and human resource operations are made easy. With our employee management solutions, you can streamline your HR management, remote working, scheduling and absence management processes to allow for greater productivity and efficiency. 

Time Point can assist you in a variety of ways. Firstly we can help to empower your employees with one integrated system for both HR and workforce management. Secondly, we protect your employees and your company by ensuring that all policies and procedures are adhered to. Lastly, we can help reduce admin time and staff costs through increased efficiencies with real-time workforce analytics. 

Utilising the Time Point Employee Management solution within your business can have a variety of benefits for both you as an employer and your employees. 

Benefits for employers

Empower Managers

Utilising Time Point Employee Management solution can help you empower both management and employees while giving them the resources they need to act independently and be held accountable for their actions and decisions.

View Staff Performance

Implementing our employee management system can allow you to view staff performance easily at the touch of a button. All records are kept within a cloud-based system to ensure they are traceable whenever needed. Management can keep records and track improvements in employee performance which can help reward staff whenever necessary.

More value from Human Resource

With a cloud-based system, most Human Resource activities are supported by self-service, allowing for HR professionals to reallocate their focus on strategic work, helping to deliver business goals and concentrate on the strategic imperatives of the organisation.

Greater productivity

The main benefit for the employer is the increased productivity levels among their employees. A cloud-based employee management system can produce real productivity benefits as the adoption of innovative tools leads to workforce optimization, competitive advantage, and greater customer satisfaction. 

Benefits for employees

Increased employee engagement 

Cloud-based employee management systems leverage large amounts of data and mobile technology to retain employees. For example, the human resources department can send an opinion survey to employees in minutes to get feedback on how the company can better serve them. This allows for employees to feel more valued in the workplace, in turn improving morale and engagement. 

Reduced Paperwork

The transformation of management systems results in all files being safely saved in the cloud and retrieved immediately using various applications. This significantly reduces the level of paperwork necessary allowing for employees to focus their attention on other tasks, in turn, increasing productivity levels and reducing time wasted.

Constant access to pay and benefit information

Employees can easily access essential information regarding their salary and benefits from anywhere using cloud management software. They can readily see how much of their pay goes to taxes, contributions, and other expenses.

Allows for remote working opportunities

As everything is stored in the cloud, employees can easily opt to work from home if they wish as they can easily access the system 24/7 from anywhere, providing they have a suitable device and Internet connection. Working from home is a great option for both employees and employers as it increases productivity and lowers employee turnover.

In today’s fast-paced environment staying on top of employees’ attendance, entitlements and pay can seem like a never-ending task. With our TP Cloud system no matter your industry, this complicated task becomes fast and efficient. For further information, you can contact us at +353 1 406 7610, or book your free demo online today.