Here at Time Point we are passionate about using innovative cloud technology solutions to increase productivity and reduce workforce management costs. Our system has been designed to empower your HR teams, reduce admin times, drive efficiency and crucially for the way we work today it can be used anywhere, anytime. In this article, we specifically look at the features of our all in one system and how it can benefit your business.

What can our cloud-based time & attendance system do for your business?

With our system, hosted in the cloud, you can record and report instantly on every employees’ shift, break times and end times. This provides numerous benefits including the empowerment of your employees with one integrated system that allows them to take charge of their shifts, holiday requests and breaks. It also adds protection both for your employees and for your company, ensuring that all policies related to break times, work hours and holidays are adhered to. Lastly, it reduces admin and staff costs through increased efficiencies with real-time workforce analytics. 

Below we have listed some of the main advantages of our innovative cloud-based time and attendance system.

Key features

Smart time management

Discover real-time data on your employees working hours, holidays and entitlements and work on what you need right when you need it. Planning holiday cover? Quickly view who is available to cover these shifts and what their entitlements are.

Everything on one screen

All employee records are visible on one screen saving time and energy with no need to swap between screens.

Flag shift deviations

All late shows, early exits or no shows are instantly flagged for your peace of mind so you can follow up with employees and follow the necessary protocols. 

Early absence management

All unplanned absences are highlighted to you which makes them easy to view, assign reasons to and arrange fill in staff for creating open communication between management and employees and facilitating quick problem solving. 

View holidays planned

View dates in each of your employee’s records that have been booked off to ensure holiday pay is correctly given and staff cover is available where needed. 

View what you need

Easily highlight the specific staff members or updates that require your attention using our fast time and attendance filter tools. 

Audit trail tracking

Assign passwords to users and view all edits that these users make.

Built in eAlerts

Any changes to employment laws or the company’s policies are instantly highlighted and an alert sent to key management so that all laws and policies are adhered to.

Payroll made easy

Our system creates a total paid timesheet covering hours, holidays, lieu time and any entitlements allowing you to keep on top of wages and any additional entitlements for your employees. 

Full suite of reports

Our numerous time and attendance reports allow you to work through anything that arises with every aspect of your workforce’s performance covered from attendance to KPI’s, holiday times and bonuses.

Automate checks

Our smart system accurately interprets and applies the working rules of your business to each staff member’s attendance and performance.

Process and send timesheets directly to payroll

Easily view all your employees’ total hours and entitlements which are then conveniently sent to your payroll operator speeding up the payment process and reducing admin time.

Want to learn more? Get in touch!

In today’s fast paced environment staying on top of employee’s attendance, entitlements and pay can seem like a never ending task. With our time and attendance system no matter your industry, this complicated task becomes fast and efficient. 

To learn more about our cloud-based systems visit our website. For further information you can contact us on +353 1 406 7610, or click here to book your free demo online today.