TP Cloud provides a comprehensive cloud-based workforce management solution that helps you maximise employee productivity by offering you greater flexibility, scalability and control of your processes. 

In this blog, we explain its different features in detail and explore how TP Cloud can help your business. 

What Is Cloud-Based Workforce Management?

In short, it is the practice of using cloud technology to manage a company’s processes to optimise employee productivity. It allows for the automation of procedures such as forecasting labour requirements, creating and managing staff schedules and tracking time and attendance through a seamlessly integrated all-in-one system. 

How Can TP Cloud Help Your Business? 

Ultimately, TP Cloud allows you to reap the benefits of improved employee productivity, better labour planning, lower operating costs and better customer service. This is possible through a wide range of powerful features. 

Seamless Employee Management

TP Cloud offers your business one platform to cover your entire staff’s lifecycle. Beginning from the day your new employee starts in your company, you can automate any onboarding processes, upload documents, set e-reminders and record any documents you have received. 

Remote Working

Especially with the growing popularity and acceptance of remote working, companies are increasingly looking for automated processes that allow them the flexibility to manage their business from anywhere at any time. 

TP Cloud enables you to do so by connecting everyone from any smart device on one single platform. It gives everyone in the company access to their business data whenever and wherever they choose. To make remote time tracking easier both for your employees and managers, Time Point Cloud provides a mobile geolocation clocking solution allowing staff to clock in and out conveniently from any location with time and date stamps included.

Time Point App

You can furthermore enable instant communication across your entire workforce via our dedicated TP App. It allows staff to upload rosters and organise shift swaps, which staff members can view instantly. Employees’ can receive message requests on the go from their HR department and supervisors and can view their files wherever, whenever. 

Improved Time Management

Attendance Management & Flexi-Time

Allowing your employees to choose when to start and end their workday is one of the key ways you can increase the flexibility and attractiveness of your workplace. Many employees even choose work flexibility over salary, giving employers the opportunity to reduce labour costs and keep their teams happy at the same time. 

You can facilitate flexitime with TP Cloud by easily managing your staff’s attendance no matter whether it’s for home, mobile or shift work arrangements. It allows you to automatically record employee core hours, flexible entries and even set maximum allowable carryover surplus values at the end of Flexi periods. 

Clocking Options

With a wide range of clocking machines, TP Cloud furthermore eliminates any challenges your company may face when it comes to time and attendance tracking. 

Our TP5 facial recognition and temperature clocking systems for instance allow for fast, accurate and safe identification, giving your employees the best interactive experience. 

If your employees work remotely, you can bring accurate and quick attendance tracking to the next level with our ESS Clocking App. Whichever clocking option works best for your company, our wide range is built to meet the needs of your entire workforce.  

Rostering & Scheduling

Are you looking to increase the efficiency of your scheduling operations by automating traditionally labour-intensive tasks? Our staff planning tool allows you to do so by simplifying employee planning and scheduling. You can drag and drop shifts and even copy whole week patterns when building your rosters, enabling you to use your time more efficiently.

Better Insight Through Smart Reporting

The ever-improving analysis of big data and artificial intelligence already allows businesses to make better, more informed decisions. With TP Cloud, we make the most of this development.

Our dashboard reports comprise a suite of powerful staff attendance analytics tools that report on the entire workforce’s performance. You can easily view real-time data on workforce performance by department or location.

If you are looking to further maximise employee productivity, you can do so with our powerful labour analytics tools. By tracking your budget forecast and comparing it to your actual labour costs and revenue you are able to easily compare past and present performance, helping you to make more informed decisions for the future. 

Want to learn more? Get in touch!

In today’s fast-paced environment staying on top of employees’ attendance, entitlements and pay can seem like a never-ending task. With our TP Cloud system no matter your industry, this complicated task becomes fast and efficient. For further information, you can contact us at +353 1 406 7610, or book your FREE demo online today.