The TP Employee Self-Service App connects your entire workforce on one platform, automating everyday tasks, and reducing back-office admin times.

In this blog, we explain its different features in detail and explore the benefits of the app both for your business managers and your staff. 

What Is The Time Point Self-Service App?

The Time Point Employee Self-Service App offers an easy way for managers and employees to access HR-related information and software directly through an app that is linked to the company’s internal portal. 

It empowers your employees to handle many human resource-related and other administrative tasks on their own, such as clocking in and out, viewing and changing personal information and requesting holidays.  

What Can The TP Employee App Do For Your Business? 

The TP Employee App gives you the opportunity to increase efficiencies within a business by lowering labour costs and reducing administration times.

It empowers your entire workforce with one, integrated system for HR and workforce management and ensures that all policies and procedures are adhered to. This is possible through a wide range of features. 

Benefits To Employers 

The Time Point App comes with many different advantages for employers, employees, and the business as a whole. 

For business managers, it offers a user-friendly portal that will streamline tasks such as leave management and shift scheduling. This results in reduced administrative costs, which in turn, makes it more attractive for employers to offer additional employee benefit programs.

Easy shift scheduling and communication

TP Employee App allows company managers to publish rosters easily from their phone or tablet, allowing instant viewing access to staff members. Shift swaps can be organised with just a few clicks and be sent as instant push notifications to your staff.

Automate manual request processes

Leave requests can automatically be sent by your staff to your HR Manager. Once approved, employees will receive an instant alert on their employee app and via email with a leave-approved notification. Their leave entitlements will be updated on the self-service app immediately.

Provide real-time updates

Managers and departments can send push notifications and receive updates from staff members at any time and from anywhere. Given that Time Point’s Employee App is connected to a powerful all-in-one cloud-based system, any changes to roster times, holiday balances, and absence calendars are immediately updated across the whole system.

GDPR compliance

Under the GDPR legislation, it is strongly recommended to companies that employees can securely access any personal information that is stored on them at any time. 

The TP Employee App provides for easy GDPR compliance by ensuring all policies and procedures are adhered to. Through the self-service portal, employees have immediate remote access to personal information including payslips, contact details, and leave requests. They can easily edit and update their details and contact information. Any changes made will then be sent through to the employer, ensuring that employees’ details are kept fully accurate. 

Geolocation and Geofencing

Our employee self-service app allows employers to record their staff’s GPS location when they clock in and out with their smartphones. 

To add another layer of security, the TP Employee App also enables employers to make “geofencing” a standard for staff clocking options. This creates a virtual geographic boundary, enabling the software to trigger a response when a mobile device enters or leaves a particular area.

With this feature, geo-fencing restrictions can be applied to make sure that employees can only clock using the employee self-service app when they are in specified locations.

Benefits To Employees

Though the benefits of our TP App for employers are plentiful, it comes with equally as many advantages for your staff. They benefit from a powerful self-service tool that allows them to take control of recording their own time, requesting leave, and checking schedules. Some of the best features for employees include:

Free and easy download

Once set up with our Time Point Cloud Software, your staff can easily download the free Employee Self-Service app for both Android and iOS devices. 

Request leave

With just a few clicks, employees can request holiday leave on the go from wherever they are with an instant overview of their leave taken and the leave remaining. Their requests are automatically sent through to their manager. Once approved or declined, they will receive an automatic notification in their app with their updated leave entitlements. 

Swap shifts easily 

Instead of having to go through the tiresome process of notifying a manager whenever a shift swap is needed, the TP app empowers your employees to take the process into their own hands. With our “shift worker” feature, your staff can view their rosters and request changes to their shifts themselves with the click of a button.

Clock in and out

The TP App is also available as a clock for staff to use for the start and end of their shifts and breaks, allowing them to clock in and out easily, even when working on the go. This is particularly helpful for construction or any on-site workers who don’t spend much time in the office.

Instant access to details and balances

With the TP App employees have immediate and remote access to sensitive HR documents and confidential employee information, such as company handbooks and employment contracts, personal details, or privacy policies. All documents are stored and readily available in one convenient place, creating an app interface that is easy to navigate.

It provides your staff with auditable access to view their personal employment records and enables them to review and digitally accept company contracts or training materials. 

To learn more about Time Point’s Employee App, book a free Time Point demo with us today or contact us at +353 1 406 7610.